
Sophia Agranovich, an internationally acclaimed multi-award-winning virtuoso pianist, recording artist, educator and artistic director, is hailed as a “bold, daring pianist in the tradition of the Golden Age Romantics” and “a tigress of the keyboard” (Fanfare). With performances lauded for their “orison of uncommon beauty” (Audiophile) , “magnificent shading and superior musicianship” (American Record Guide) she has captivated audiences worldwide.

As a Steinway Artist, she graces renowned venues from Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall to the Théâtre Na Loba. Her 11-album discography consistently earns rave reviews, top chart positions, and broadcasts at major stations. Ms. Agranovich has garnered prestigious prizes, including First place honors and multiple Gold and Silver Medals. She holds Bachelor & Master degrees from the Juilliard School, where she taught piano as a teaching Fellow. She continued her Doctoral studies at the Columbia University.


“A tigress of the keyboard… She is a sort of cross between György Cziffra and Dinu Lipatti, a tigress who is also a poet… The great tragedian of the piano… Smoldering sense of passion… It’s not often that one encounters, in this day and age, an artist who not only has a dazzling technique… but, better yet, an independent and individual way of thinking about music… Agranovich has a way of expressing herself through this music in a way that almost precludes comparisons.”

“Like such Eastern European pianists as Lipatti, Fischer, Cziffra and, yes, Reisenberg, her Chopin is more muscular and less soft-grained than we are normally used to…The only Western European pianist whose Chopin is equally wide-awake was Alfred Cortot.”

-Lynn René Bayley,  Fanfare Magazine and The ArtMusicLounge

“Bravo! That was the most unusual and imaginative ‘Wanderer’ Fantasy I ever heard. The abandon you play with, the amazing, amazing coloration… I never heard those arpeggios in the Finale played like that… And what you have done is bringing true character of the Schubertian world.”    “Delightful and original performance! You heard a real Lisztian here!”

“Reckless and interesting performance on every level… Fabulous! Incredibly wonderful temperament!”

-David Dubal – International Authority on Piano Literature, Writer, Radio Host, Pianist

“It all comes together in an interpretation that dares to be different. Beauty has tamed the beast… Magnificent shading and superior musicianship.”

“She caresses the notes, milks the music for every expressive possibility, and persuades by a gentle coercion that can be seductive… had to restrain myself from crying with joy at the Venusian beauty of her playing… Finale is a sudden burst of energy and passion. It sparkles, notes tumble over each other, and the music continues to build towards towards a dazzling conclusion. The added touch of restraint works beautifully in a performance that easily reaches the heights.”

-Alan Becker,  American Record Guide

“Sophia is without doubt one of the most accomplished classical pianists of her day…she shines like the midday sun.”

Steve Sheppard, OneWorld Music Radio

“Sophia Agranovich’s alchemy of mind-bending technical prowess and heart-melting emotional expressivity add up to one of the most glorious piano recitals this side of Elysium. Urgently recommended… Combining the best of both Brendel and Kempff. It’s as if she has absorbed from Brendel his organizational skill to bind the piece together and reveal its unifying formal principles, while from Kempff she has absorbed the sense of philosophical and spiritual probing.”

-Jerry Dubins,  Fanfare Magazine

“A musician of splendid gifts…As a pianist of remarkable technical accomplishments, she is also one of the more sensitive artists who brings to her performances a percipiency and sensibility all too rare among her contemporaries. She is a singular artist and should be admired for that rare quality alone”.

 –David Diamond, American Composer, Juilliard Professor

“Sophia Agranovich is a bold, daring pianist in the tradition of the Golden Age Romantics…. It’s the kind of daredevil exhibition that was bread and butter for the likes of de Pachmann and Hofmann and that most of today’s pianists shy away from… Combines the spaciousness of Richter and propulsion of Gieseking.”

-Myron SilbersteinFanfare Magazine

“Her breathtaking virtuosity, profound sensitivity and unparalleled dynamic range create music of overwhelming intensity and ethereal beauty.”

Blair Ingerthron, Broadway World

“Her range is enormous, whether we are speaking of color or dynamics, but where she differs from so many improvisatory pianists is in her ability to appear to be making it up as she goes along while never losing the sense of overall architecture.”

“She makes the keyboard sing with a pearly legato that belies the fact that the piano is basically a percussion instrument.”

“She can take her respectable place alongside Curzon, Richter, Pollini, and even Edwin Fischer in the Schubert, and Moravec, Cortot, Rubinstein, Gornostaeva, and a few others as well in the Chopin.”

-Henry Fogel, Fanfare Magazine



In Consideration For Grammy® Awards ~ Classical Instrumental Solo

Read all 13 reviews of this album  |  Interviews  |  Live concert performances  |  11 International Awards Listening and Download Links

Excerpts from some reviews of this album

“I am simply mesmerized by Sophia Agranovich’s tremendous talent, virtuosity, emotional involvement and thorough musicianship… I could listen to her for hours… executed in a lovely singing tone, with virtuosity and elegance…”

“I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

 – Janos Gardonyi, The Whole Note


“Agranovich is the great tragedian of the piano; her feeling for tragedy makes the music sound almost overwhelming in its intensity.”

“Every note is imbued with feeling…you almost feel like crying“.

– Lynn René Bayley, Art Music Lounge 


Agranovich’s grasp of architecture and proportion, elegance and beauty of phrasing, and clear articulation provide considerable pleasure. A most enjoyable recital.”

– Ken Meltzer, Fanfare 


“Performed to perfection… A wide range of emotions – from grief to exhilaration – a musical thrill ride for sure! Dazzling…powerful and inspiring!” 

– Kathy Parsons, MainlyPiano 


 “Five stars: A wonderful Mendelssohn recital with a wide range of pieces, all in strong and exciting performances.”

James Harrington, Fanfare 


“…Incredible virtuosity. One can barely catch one’s breath during and after hearing and witnessing such expressive phrasing… Flowing, effervescent rendering…spectacular execution…”

– R J Lannan, Artisan Music Reviews


Every note of every sweeping arpeggio across the keyboard and every note of every run is perfectly weighted and clear as a bell. This is remarkable playing…there’s some really gorgeous music on this disc… Shimmering beauty of tone… Played with consummate technical skill and artistry, this well-chosen program of Mendelssohn’s solo piano pieces can be unreservedly recommended to all audiences.”

– Jerry Dubins, Fanfare


“Sizzling performance… Agranovich conjures up a memory palace of a performance with senses and flavours of the ethereal, in a passionate manifestation that exudes copious amounts of both warmth and love…”

“A wonderful delight, perfectly played by the pianist…Agranovich feels each and every note played, with a sublime attractive and intelligent performance.”

“Album Leaf: Piano Works by Felix Mendelssohn by Sophia Agranovich is classically stunning. It’s a vast body of work that has been presented and played with such precision and craft by the artist…This album is guaranteed to be a sure fire hit with listeners and classical music aficionados alike the globe over”.

Steve Sheppard, OneWorld Music Radio


“…Combination of excellent technique and strong musical personality…crystalline clarity of textures with a natural gift for shaping melodies. She is willing to take interpretive risks. The clarity of her fingerwork is breathtaking, exhibiting pinpoint control of dynamics.”

 “She makes the keyboard sing with a pearly legato that belies the fact that the piano is basically a percussion instrument… ability to balance freedom and discipline.”

“The range of moods encompassed is enormous, Her performance has passion, humor, beauty, and above all, deep conviction. Five stars: A superlative recital of piano music by Mendelsohn.”

– Henry Fogel, Fanfare 




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